Dear Friends,

Welcome to our new look!  We hope you like it.  We have added new testimonials, new products for pets and humans and developed a site that is more user friendly.  I would really appreciate your feedback.  Just let me know if there is anything you especially like, don’t like or think we should change.

A great team of tech folks worked very hard to develop our new site and our sincere thanks go out to all of them.  We highly recommend all of them for your web development and marketing needs.  Many thanks to Kristy Crabtree of Westward Strategies, Brend Do of Brenda Do Copywriting and Jim Hammerel of Xtropy Web Marketing.  All of these folks are devoted dog owners and lovers and I think it really shows in their work.  Maybe we can get pictures of them and their pups for our site so you can put faces ( human and canine) with their names.

We are also going to put up a new banner on our Facebook page, but are trying to choose between three different styles, so please “like” us on Facebook and let us know which banner you prefer.

Please keep those pictures and testimonials coming.  We are here at your service and always want to help.  We love adding your success stories to our site and always will send you a free product of your choice.

Thanks so much for your support and let us know what you think of the new site.

Hugs to you and you and your pups.

Dorla and everyone at K9Medicinals