Dear Friends,
This week I’ve received several calls from folks who used K9 Immunity™ with great success and then switched to what they thought were similar products made by other companies. Their dogs immediately took a turn for the worse and they went back to K9 Medicinals products. Fortunately, their dogs rebounded and are now doing o.k. In recent months other products have come on the market that claim to be the same, but they aren’t. It appears that those products aren’t made in the United States and the quality of them is unknown. Please make sure you are getting the real K9 Immunity™, K9 Transfer Factor™, K9 Omega Fish Oil™ and K9 Full Flex™—don’t settle for an imitation. Your dog’s life could depend on it! All products are not created equal and your dog deserves the very best.
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know. I am here to help.
Hugs to you and your canine family member.