K9 Immunity Plus™
The most potent immune booster for dogs with cancer
In response to customer requests, the manufacturer has now made K9Immunity Plus in a softer easier to chew wafer. It has a fishy smell that you may not like, but your dog will love!
What is K9 Immunity Plus™?
K9 Immunity Plus™ is an intense immune-boosting daily supplement designed to provide maximum support for dogs with cancer. And it comes in a convenient, easy to administer form.
This formula includes all of the ingredients in our successful K9 Immunity™. Then we intensified it by adding:
- Transfer Factors Increases the formula’s effectiveness and results. The immune-active polysaccharides in K9 Immunity™ work by bonding with your dog’s immune proteins. Transfer factors are needed for this bonding to occur.The added transfer factors increase the number of naturally-occurring bonds. In turn, this activates a greater number of immune cells for better results.
- Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids Omega 3 essential fatty acids are well-studied to help shrink tumors, lower inflammation and provide a host of other health benefits.
In the past, the standard protocol for dogs with cancer required taking all three products separately: K9 Immunity™, K9 Transfer Factors and K9 Omega. K9 Immunity Plus™ combines all three of these essential products into one convenient formula that costs less than buying each product separately.
Making it more pleasant for your dog, K9 Immunity Plus™ comes in easy to chew wafers with natural liver and fish flavors dogs love.
Click here to learn more about K9 Immunity™.
If you have any questions and need help deciding which is best for your dog, please contact us.
How does K9 Immunity Plus™ help my dog?
K9 Immunity Plus™ strengthens and balances your dog’s immune system so the body recognizes and destroys damaged cells. This improves their body’s ability to overcome illness and helps protect them against future illness.
Your dog’s immune system helps fight cancer in two ways:
- Keeps existing cells healthy as they replicate
- Rids damaged cells (like cancer cells) before they can multiply
Once your dog’s immune system strengthens, it may also help them:
- Increase response to cancer treatment
- Speed up recovery
- Reduce side-effects from other cancer therapies
- Prevent a serious future illness/relapse
- Improve quality of life
- Extend their time with you
***Now a more advanced product that is a softer, easier to administer chew with a “fishy” smell that dogs love.***
Proprietary immune-strengthening technology
The largest class of anti-cancer drugs used in the world today is a class called heteropolysaccharide immunomodulators (pronounced: hey-tero-poly-sak-kar-ide im-mu-no-mod-u-late-ers).
K9 Immunity Plus™ products are made from the most technologically advanced immunomodulator in the world. It’s called Immune Assist Micron™. No other canine cancer treatment contains it.
How this benefits your canine companion:
- 100% bioavailable (absorption rate) for better results – brewers yeast beta glucans average 5-10% bioavailability.
- Activates ALL 260 different classes of immune cells – including natural killer cells, T-cells, and macrophages. Simple beta glucans only activate a few.
- Does not create any additional stress on the body while activating healing mechanisms.
- Supports regulatory functions and critical body systems including the nervous, hormonal, and immune systems.
Patented formula provides noticeable results
In addition to our proprietary Immune Assist Micron™ technology, K9 Immunity™ also contains:
- All three of the most widely used anti-cancer compounds worldwide (for humans and dogs): PSK, PSP and Lentinan.
- Nearly 200 additional immune-strengthening compounds called heteropolysaccharides (he-tero-poli-sac-car-ides).
Is K9 Immunity Plus™ right for my dog?
K9 Immunity Plus™ is safe for all dog breeds needing immune system support and has no known side effects. This formula is safe for dogs of all ages, pregnant dogs, and nursing dogs. As with any supplement, we suggest discussing the dosage with your veterinarian first.
Guaranteed safe, natural and effective:
- Safe for all breeds and sizes
- Safe to use with other cancer treatments
- Made with 100% USDA Certified Organic materials
- Manufactured in a FDA registered facility
- 100% non GMO
- Created according to the highest pharmaceutical standards
- Absolutely no binders, fillers, flow enhancers or time release agents
- Have no known side-effects
- 100% non-toxic (no risk of overdosing)
- Backed by our full satisfaction guarantee
Product Ingredients
K9 Immunity Plus™ for dogs under 30 pounds
K9 Immunity Plus™ for dogs under 31-70 pounds
K9 Immunity Plus™ for dogs over 70 pounds
Recommended Daily Use
K9 Immunity Plus™ is packaged according to your dog’s weight. However, the formula is exactly the same for all three weight categories. The only difference is the dosage (listed below). For added savings, on smaller dogs, we recommend the K9 Immunity Plus™ for dogs over 70 pounds.
- For dogs over 70 pounds: Three wafers daily. Or as recommended by your veterinarian.
- For dogs 31-70 pounds: Two wafers daily. Or as recommended by your veterinarian.
- For dogs under 30 pounds: One wafer daily. Or as recommended by your veterinarian.
NOTE: This is the dosage if your dog is in remission from cancer.
If your dog has active cancer and is critical, then we recommend doubling the dosage in the beginning until you see improvement. You can then go back to the dosage described above.
Purchase K9 Immunity Plus™ Now
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